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Taharqa was a pharaoh of the ancient Egyptian 25th Dynasty and king of the biblical kingdom of Kush (Ethiopia)
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Nubia, at the edges of Egypt, which had off and on been controlled or occupied by Egypt off and on since the third millenium BC, asserted its own newfound power in a dramatic way, ruling outright from about 750 BC to 661 BC, and afterward surviving as as an independent Egyptian kingdom (Kush; capital Meroe) for a thousand years. Ethiopia, to the south of Nubia, controlled or occupied that region of the Nile for periods as well.![]() Nubians were much darker skinned than the Egyptians, so the Greeks called them Aithiopes
Vers le Sud
Never despise the land of Africa, the land called by ancients, the realm of the gods. It has long been believed that 'twas on soil now Egyptian where Moses received the Ten Commandments -- revered and honored by the adherents of three great religions of world history -- the religion of Jews, the religion of Christians, and the religion of Islam. And far back into distant antiquity, the Nile produced a civilization in some respects still never equaled.
![]() KEYWORDS = Aduana, Nana Banchie Darkwah, Black Spirituality Religion, KMT, Egypt, Dr. Ben Jochannan, nwka ankh
Wallis Budge |
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The three Great faiths - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam:
is there hope for dialog? Anwar Sadat had faith to say YES!
Anwar Sadat saidMake peace a reality that blossoms and lives. Make hope a code of conduct and endeavor ..... I repeat with Zacharia: Love right and justice. From the holy Koran I quote the following verses: We believe in God and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the 13 Jewish tribes. And in the books given to Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord, who made no distinction between them.Salam Aleikum -- peace be upon you. [Anwar el-Sadat. 20 November 1977. Jerusalem] |
Heading South
Hoda Kotb is Egyptian-American. In Arabic, the name "Hoda" means "guidance", and is very popular among Arab women. The last name "Kotb" means "pole", and is a common surname among Egyptians. However, the name is usually pronounced IPA: [kutub]. Although for a period during her career she spelled her surname Kotbe to aid pronunciation of her surname, she now uses the original form, Kotb.
Kotb is the recipient of a number of awards, including the 2008 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award and the prestigious Peabody Award in 2006 for her Dateline NBC report, "The Education of Ms. Groves."
Here is the GO RED FOR WOMEN site featuring Hoda (and Andie McDowell).
Here is the straight dope Who Burned the Great Library at Alexandria?
Here is Kevin RD Shepherd Dhul-Nun al-Misri - we are created for compassion - truly a saint of Islam
Here is an item on courageous Samira Ibrahim
and the women's stand against Virginity Tests
Here is the Spirit of Ma'at site, a spiritual group in the USA with leader Cal Garrison.
Here is an update on Zahi Hawass, Egypt's larger-than-life "Indiana Jones" (controversial, unstoppable)
Famous Egyptians - Suzie Manley's overview through the ages -- notable Egyptians from ancient times onward
-Ali ibn-Abi-Talib
That the return of the Jews to Palestine would prove a blessing, not only to themselves but also to their Arab neighbors, was envisaged by the Emir Feisal, who was a great leader of the Arab peoples at the Peace Conference following World War I. On March 3, 1919, he wrote: We Arabs . . . look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, insofar as we are concerned, to help them through. We wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home . . . I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their places in the community of civilized peoples of the world.
More acceptable is the virtue of the upright man than the ox of him that doeth iniquity - Instruction Addressed to Prince Merikere by his Pather, an Unknown Pharaoh of Heracleopolis, Twenty-third Century B.C. Righteousness is for eternity. It descendeth with him that doeth it into the grave, ….. his name is not effaced on earth, but he is remembered because of right - The Eloquent Peasant of Heracleopolis, Twenty-third Century B.C. A man's virtue is his monument, but forgotten is the man of evil repute - Prom an Egyptian Tombstone, about the Twenty-second Century B.C. The people of his time shall rejoice, the son of man shall make his name forever and ever, . . . Righteousness shall return to its place, unrighteousness shall be cast out - Neferrohu, Prophet of Egypt, about 2000 B.C. O Amon, thou sweet Well for him that thirsteth in the desert; it is closed to him who speaketh, but it is open to him who is silent. When he who is silent cometh, lo he findeth the Well - An Ancient Egyptian Wise Man of about 1000 B.C. James Breasted. The Dawn of Conscience. MORE
The four-time Emmy nominee also won the 2004 Headliner Award, the 2003 Gracie Award, and the 2002 Edward R. Murrow Award.
He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.
"A Hundred Sayings"
Abraham Joshua Heschel:
Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
Established is the man whose standard is righteousness, who walketh according to its way - The Grand Vizier Ptahhotep of Memphis, Twenty-seventh Century B.C.
How did Muhammad get identified by name in the Hebrew Bible?In Song of Songs (written by Solomon or Shlomo) Prophet Muhammad seems to be clearly identified BY NAME. Written long before later rabbis put in vowel points, the Song of Songs, verse 5:16, clearly names one Muhammad. Written in ancient Hebrew the man named clearly is writtenLater rabbis put in vowel points, making the word an adjective, lovely, desirable, or handsome -- describing the beloved. The Shulamitess may be "owned" by Solomon (Shlomo), and assigned to his harem, but her heart belongs to someone else. She loves him, and waits for him. Christian interpreters claim the beloved is Jesus. But this verse identified someone named MHMD. |
she loves BBC
An Egyptian man of letters Ali Salem exhorts Americans after 9/11
We stand with you, we suffer with you. (He excoriates al Qaeda and Islamist terrorism
Ancient Egypt: the black African origins of later Greek culture
by Philip Coppens
What if sacrifice, or suffering, can bring about eventual healing?
by M. Scott Peck, a Christian
Early Shemitic presence in Egypt (scroll down) Jews in Egypt
The Holy Family in Egypt, travelling up the Nile towards Nubia
Joseph, Mary, and their holy infant go VERS LE SUD deep into Africa
The Jews of Ancient Egypt - the known, the unknown, the unconfirmed
by Jimmy Dunn
"Deliver Us" - from the movie Prince of Egypt, sung - by Ofra Haza
The Israelite Exodus from Egypt - matching the Bible with archeology
(leaves Egyptologists perplexed)
by Jimmy Dunn
Sharia Traditionalism gets a bad rap, lumped as oppressive and cruel
But we in the west can probably learn something from it
The Haven of the First Hijra (Migration): an African nation is the Muslims' first refuge
Ethiopia (Abyssinia) extends the shade of her mothering wings
King Negash (Negus or Al-Najashi) renowned for justice and in whose land human rights were cherished
Ethiopia provides asylum to fleeing Muslims
Did you know that Jews originated from black African tribes? Did you know that Jesus and the people of the Bible were black people? Did you know that the names of authors of the Old Testament are African tribal names? Did you know that modern Jews still carry tribal names. Did you know that the word Yisrael or Israel is itself etymologically an African word?
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