White man is the envy of the world, but the woman knows his secret flaws.

We've gotten too rich, too elite, too spoiled, too smart for our own good.

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FAPPERS : pervert husbands?
hosted at robt.shepherd

warped passages


white man falling

electronic cocaine

A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded
men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan.
Martin Luther King, Strength to Love

Death of the West - Pornography is NOT sexual liberation

White Man in Need of a Wake Up Call

The death of the west.

So-called white civilization is not at risk from African MILITARY conquest, at all. If the white race is falling, it is falling from its own rotten core, spiritually. White women have turned away from the white males' pseudo- masculinity and (statistics wise) are embracing the darker races. So the threat to the West is not from Africa's "force of arms" but from the moral degeneracy of the white man himself. He has abdicated his responsibility (to his women & family & procreation). Forgetting his own ancestors, he has become effeminate, spoiled, soft.

Homophobic men most aroused by gay porn

The Sound and Fury Seems to Be a Mask

Homophobia associated with penis arousal to male on male sex.

Published on June 9, 2011 by Nathan A. Heflick, Ph.D. in The Big Questions

Even a man who thought that women want to have sex with their fathers, and that women spend much of their lives distraught over their lack of a penis, is right sometimes. This person, the legend that is Sigmund Freud, theorized that people often have the most hateful and negative attitudes towards things they secretly crave, but feel that they shouldn't have.

If Freud is right, then perhaps men who are the most opposed to male homosexuality have particularly strong homosexual urges for other men.

One study asked heterosexal men how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant's penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear - arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).

When viewing lesbian sex and straight sex, both the homophobic and the non-homophobic men showed increased penis circumference. For gay male sex, however, only the homophobic men showed heightened penis arousal.

Heterosexual men with the most anti-gay attitudes, when asked, reported not being sexually aroused by gay male sex videos. But, their penises reported otherwise.

Homophobic men were the most sexually aroused by gay male sex acts.


Henry E. Adams, Lester W. Wright' Jr., and Bethany A. Lohr conducted this research at the Psychology Department of the University of Georgia.

Thanks to enzyte for their world famous model.

Is homophobia linked to homosexual arousal?

Hostility and discrimination against homosexual individuals are well-established facts. On occasion, these negative attitudes lead to hostile verbal and physical acts against gay individuals with little apparent motivation except a strong dislike. In fact, more than 90% of gay men and lesbians report being targets of verbal abuse or threats, and more than one-third report being survivors of violence related to their homosexuality. Although negative attitudes and behaviors toward gay individuals have been assumed to be associated with rigid moralistic beliefs, sexual ignorance, and fear of homosexuality, the etiology of these attitudes and behaviors remains a puzzle. Weinberg ( 1972 ) labeled these attitudes and behaviors homophobia, which he defined as the dread of being in close quarters with homosexual men and women as well as irrational fear, hatred, and intolerance by heterosexual individuals of homosexual men and women. . . .

Although the causes of homophobia are unclear, several psychoanalytic explanations have emerged from the idea of homophobia as an anxiety-based phenomenon. One psychoanalytic explanation is that anxiety about the possibility of being or becoming a homosexual may be a major factor in homophobia. For example, de Kuyper (1993) has asserted that homophobia is the result of the remnants of homosexuality in the heterosexual resolution of the Oedipal conflict. Whereas these notions are vague, psychoanalytic theories usually postulate that homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality. Latent homosexuality can be defined as homosexual arousal which the individual is either unaware of or dent. Psychoanalysts use the concept of repressed or latent homosexuality to explain the emotional malaise and irrational attitudes displayed by some individuals who feel guilty about their erotic interests and struggle to deny and repress homosexual impulses. In fact, West stated, 'when placed in a situation that threatens to excite their own unwanted homosexual thoughts, they overreact with panic or anger." Slaby ( 1994 ) contended that anxiety about homosexuality typically does not occur in individuals who are same-sex oriented, but it usually involves individuals who are ostensibly heterosexual and have difficulty integrating their homosexual feelings or activity. The relationship between homophobia and latent homosexuality has not been empirically investigated and is one of the purposes of the present study.

Specifically, the present study was designed to investigate whether homophobic men show more sexual arousal to homosexual cues than nonhomophobic men as suggested by psychoanalytic theory. . . .

The results of this study indicate that individuals who score in the homophobic range and admit negative affect toward homosexuality demonstrate significant sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli. These individuals were selected on the basis of their report of having only heterosexual arousal and experiences. Furthermore, their ratings of erection and arousal to homosexual stimuli were low and not significantly different from nonhomophobic men who demonstrated no significant increase in penile response to homosexual stimuli. These data are consistent with response discordance where verbal judgments are not consistent with physiological reactivity, as in the case of homophobic individuals viewing homosexual stimuli. Lang (1994 ) has noted that the most dramatic response discordance occurs with reports of feeling and physiologic responses. Another possible explanation is found in various psychoanalytic theories, which have generally explained homophobia as a threat to an individual's own homosexual impulses causing repression, denial, or reaction formation (or all three; West, 1977 ). Generally, these varied explanations conceive of homophobia as one type of latent homosexuality where persons either are unaware of or deny their homosexual urges. These data are consistent with these notions.

Another explanation of these data is found in Barlow, Sakheim, and Beck's ( 1983) theory of the role of anxiety and attention in sexual responding. It is possible that viewing homosexual stimuli causes negative emotions such as anxiety in homophobic men but not in nonhomophobic men. Because anxiety has been shown to enhance arousal and erection, this theory would predict increases in erection in homophobic men. Furthermore, it would indicate that a response to homosexual stimuli is a function of the threat condition rather than sexual arousal per se. Whereas difficulties of objectively evaluating psychoanalytic hypotheses are well-documented, these approaches would predict that sexual arousal is an intrinsic response to homosexual stimuli, whereas Barlow's (1986 ) theory would predict that sexual arousal to homosexual stimuli by homophobic individuals is a function of anxiety. These competing potions can and should be evaluated by future research.

The hypothesis that homophobic men are merely aggressive is not supported by the present data. There were no differences in aggression scores between groups as measured by the Aggression Questionnaire. . . .

Is Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal? in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 105., No. 3 (1996), pp. 440-445.

Headline: Utah No. 1 in online porn subscriptions, report says

White Men - their privlege is their downfall. Fapping and Enfeeblement

See: Deseret News

Utahns, famous for their wholesomeness and frugality, buy online pornography at higher rates than the rest of America.

I believe that often the whited sepulchres that Jesus referred to is due to that fact that people who appear righteous outwardly are the ones who inwardly have the most problems.

The outward saints are the inward sinners.

Someone said that the cleaner you are on the outside, the dirtier you probably are on the inside. And that some of society's so-called BAD BOYS actually are the ones with the higher emotional IQ, or the gold on the inside. I guess we shouldn't judge.

What's the lesson?

If there is a moral, it is probably, DONT CAST STONES. Dont judge others, we all are flawed. I know that if I look inside, I can probably find a few perversions or at least imperfections here and there. Like a song Ray Charles sang (in Israel) Heaven Help Us All.

White Man Falling

Homo-erotic depravity

White man's fall from grace

So-called western civilization enjoys the good life, satiated in sexual lust and self-indulgence, but has incorrigibly fallen from grace. PATHETIC!

Today's colonial "burden"
The BBC has published several exposés on the ongoing problem of sexual tourism in former colonies of the British Empire. The contemporary version has bored and unhappy white matrons (or even younger women), often wives whose husbands have either left them for younger women, or are "married" to their careers (the bitch goddess success), or have died, condemning the surviving wives to a fate -- of being a Merry Widow. Places like Kenya and Jamaica with their pristine beaches and balmy breezes have become Meccas for these horny cougars who travel half way around the globe and spend large amounts of cash to entertain themselves with virile young black "boys." But what is good for the local economy is hardly good for the souls or moral character of anyone involved, and local preachers often raise an outcry over the "mixed blessing."

Defenders of this modern hedonism call it simple economics, just innocent sexual tourism. They point out that where there's a will there's almost always a way. If one outlet is denied, another soon takes its place. And what these white woman are doing now, white men have done for hundreds of years. Sex, after all (defenders claim) is as much a human need (and thus where available, a resource) as for example coffee or chocolate, molasses or rum.

BBC sexual tourism

Jamaica of the noble Maroons now a sex paradise for eager white women

The Apple has a rotten core

Slouching towards decadence

Love Junkie - Flee Fornication

America the spoiled and pampered

Auto-eroticism: the sins of priests and monks

Africa Bishop upholds the Bible's Unchanging Code

Hope for the pampered elites : you can overcome porn

How about trying some basic self honesty, husbands?

A mental experiment :: never too old to learn

White Man Falling : husbands fallen from grace, have lost virtue

Rent-a-Rasta :: instead of heading South, try mandingo

What is white-man's problem? The down side of materialism and success

GONZO :: white-man's guilty paranoia - the burden of his debt to his victims

baggage of history
Friends of Diversity

Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?
White man's accomplishments in many ways are breathtaking. He has (almost) conquered the world. But what of his own house? What of his inner core qualities? Ancient prophets warned to take care of your household, your family. White man has given us Euro-centrism, has given us the modern world, has given us materialism and rationalism and modern "science and technology" -- everything from the Age of Exploration and Colonialism, to Darwin, white supremacy, and scientific racism. It was white man who gave us the brilliant advancement called ATHEISM. But what about white man's own homes and marriages? Sages of the past warned, whoso fails his own House shall inherit the wind.

Last save 5/31/12