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Africa is the mother of the human race. It is also, if we can believe the Jews and the Muslims, the origin of our biblical knowledge of the One God, the shemitic conception of the deity. Moses, of course, held the pen. But it was the Nile that gave us civilization. Now, modern discovery points us to the Great Rift Valley and the horn of Africa. What the English Victorian gentlemen called the darkest continent is -- if science is right -- the MOTHER OF THE HUMAN RACE.Enlightened Europe's "Scientific" Racism"Everyone" knows that by now, as much as science (and ancient literature) have pounded it into our brains. New writer Paul Ross notes, "World-wide genetic mapping has concluded that all modern humans share an ancestral genetic link with a small group of people who lived in the southern regions of Africa two hundred thousand years ago." [p361, Ninth Clan]. Yet just knowing it means nothing if the reality of it is not somehow internalized and applied. Wisdom must be lived. Our Euro-centered civilization has proved itself, time and again, anything but civilized.
God is dead was the conclusion of those over-enlightened, over-rationalist, overly intellectual nineteenth century European gentlemen. It was civilized, white male Europe that concluded that they had outgrown the myths and superstitions of biblical believism and primitivity.
Instead of learning from Africa, the Enlightenment made up its mind that all evolution had one purpose, the survival of the fittest, that is the survival and flourishing of white man, the epitome of human development and natural selection. In his Descent of Man, Charles Darwin declared: "At some future period, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world."
In fact, evolution -- especially the Darwinian and Lamarckian varieties -- has long been used as the supposedly scientific basis of racism. All of the nineteenth-century evolutionists, in fact -- Darwin, Huxley, and the rest, well up into the first quarter of the twentieth century -- were convinced proponents of white supremacy. It was the spirit of the age. "Look what we have accomplished. We must be Nature's favorite child." The spirit of self-congratulation crept into intellectual accomplishment, and the result was a conscience-less arrogance and condescension.The glory of the black man's pastProfessing themselves to be wise, they became fools. "We are the educated ones. We are the possessors of Civilization and Enlightenment." Yet look at how much this socalled Civilization fell short of the values it professed. Thomas Traherne, the Puritan, wrote: "verily there is no savage nation under the cope of Heaven that is more absurdly barbarous than the Christian world." The best and brightest that the white intelligentsia had to offer have stumbled on the moral issue. Instead of walking in the steps of sages and prophets, white man has sought rationales for domination. The nineteenth century, for all its accomplishments materially, colonially, economically, industrially, seemed to go astray in rejecting superstion and backwardness (and God), and in defending white supremacy. See Allen Chase's "Legacy of Malthus: The Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism" (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977).
The history of white civilization in modern times has been at the same time a history of the subjection of women and of the subjection of non-white peoples. Even well-meaning whites have been at a loss about the dilemma. Norman Podhoretz wrote of the Black Man:
His past is a stigma, his color is a stigma, and his vision of the future is the hope of erasingI feel like Podhoretz tossed in the towel before he needed to. Certainly when he wrote (1963) things were far less hopeful than today. Podhoretz did much of his thinking about the problem, to be sure, prior to the days of the Civil Rights movement when changes began to happen. I am not sure if anyone can pinpoint the turning point of that movement. But momentum had been building for decades into the past, generations in fact.
the stigma by making color irrelevant, by making it disappear as a fact of consciousness.Moreover, the black man's past is far from only stigma. The story of the GLORY has only begun to be told.
Africa is the mother of the human race. Not only do we learn this from paleontology and its sister sciences, but we learn it from ancient literature itself. Where was the primeval Garden of Eden? We are told in Genesis that a triver went out of Eden to water the Garden, and the river parted and became four heads. Including Pison which compasseth the whole land of Havilah and Gihon, which compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. Genesis 2:13
The patriarchal Father of Genesis, Abraham, had recourse or intercourse with Africa, and sojourned in the land of Ham. At the time calling himself Abram, he even offered his beautiful wife Sarah (Sarai) to the king of Egypt. "The Egyptians beheld the woman tht she was very fair." Discreetly cuckolding himself seemed a small price to pay compared to getting killed by this powerful man. Genesis 13: 10-20
In Vedic literature, the primeval civilization of India was Black. When the nomadic Aryan pastoralists drifted into India, their fair maidens were smitten by the divine Black Man-God KRSNA. Their sexual ardor was a religion, a worship, and Krsna clearly was not merely a youthful "father figure" to the love-sick Gopi maids, but in Freudian-speak, a phallic symbol.
The Bible of the Jews (and of Jesus), what we call the Old Testament, had its origins in, you guess it, Egypt. Sigmund Freud cited an ancient rabbic tradition that Moses was an Ethiopian, a Cushite. Freud himself fully believed this tradition.
From Édouard Schuré: going back via both Philo and Strabo, both of whom cite Manetho (Manethon) regarding the real personage of Moses, who (according to Manetho), was Hosarsiph, son of the royal priestess who herself was sister to Pharaoh Rameses II. Hosarsiph was first cousin of Menephtah, whose father was Rameses II. While Memephtah was instructed in the cult of Ammon-Ra at Memphis (Noph), Hosarsiph was dedicated to Isis and Osiris by his mother, and trained in sacred knowledge, He had been dubbed "the silent one," so intense and almost quiet was he. Often he stammered while speaking, he appeared shy till of a sudden, like a sharp thunderbolt, a terrible idea would burst forth, leaving behind it a trail of light (these words are Schuré's). Hosarsiph became an initiate in the religion of Isis, but he was destined for something greater. He became the Deliverer, the Law-Giver, of the children of Israel. We know him as Moses.
Jethro was high priest of Madian or the Raguel (the watchman of God). He was a Black Man, a "Negro" in our language. Schuré says he belonged to the purest type of the ancient Ethiopian race which had ruled Egypt for four to five thousand years before Rameses. [Schuré. p184]
Uganda's Abayudaya Jews - a lost tribe of Israel now found?
What Christians call the old testament contained, in the Hebrew of Ezra, twenty four books, corresponding to the twenty four letters of the Alphabet. But in addition to these twenty four, there were seventy books of secret teaching, which have at some point subsequently disappeared. Elements of those lost works, however, seem to have survived in other forms.
The first martyr of the early church, Stephen, reminded his enemies of the Egyptian origins of their faith, their enslavement in Egypt and their eventual deliverance. He pointed the founder of the Jewish religion, Moses, that he was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Acts 7:22. So ancient Egypt is where we got the (Hebrew) Bible, and it's also, in part at least, where we got the Testament that Christians claim as their own.
Apparently the civilization of the Nile offered itself to the biblical Hebrews time and again as trading partners, or as places of refuge or protection, and sometimes as threats. Thebes, which in the Bible is called No or No-Ammon, was known as a city of great population, great wealth and splendour. The site of Karnak and Luxor, Thebes was reputedly the oldest city in the world, and was the capital of upper Egypt. Negro references in classical Greek.
Memphis, which in the Bible is called Noph, also claimed for itself great antiquity. The capital of lower Egypt, it dominated over the land of the pyraminds, over the Delta, over the lower Nile. Owing it all to the Great River of Egypt, it truly was the gift of the Nile, and like Thebes, also had great population and wealth. Yet for all its glory and might, the demise of Memphis was scathingly foretold by the both Isaiah (chap 19) and Jeremiah (chap 46). The predicted event finally came at the hands of the Persian Cambyses, son of Cyrus.
Older than Moses, prior to the Queen of Sheba, back into remotest antiquity stands the lofty figure of the Patriarch Enoch, he who fathered Methusaleh, and lived a life of such sanctity and such holy simplicity that Scripture says of him, he walked with God, and then at age 365, he vanished. It is recorded that he did not die, but was taken up to heaven (Gen 5:24). This man was a hanif, like his descendant Abraham, who worshiped the true God in a kind of primitive unvarnished authenticity that God imparted to him secrets that have confounded later times. Gregg Braden records:Biblical commentator and anthropologist (book of Genesis)The "lost" biblical book of Enoch the Prophet. [Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch] Enoch is one of the most honored and mysterious of the Old Testament prophets for a number of reasons -- not least of which is the account that states he never died! Instead, at 365 years of age, Enoch left the earth and, as one passage relates, "walked with God."See CATACLYSMS OF NATURE : Hopi prophecyThe wisdom and message of Enoch were greatly revered by the early Christians -- that is, before the book of his powerful visions was removed from the official [canonical] Bible texts. We see evidence from some of the world's great scholars that his wisdom was considered divine, and the Book of Enoch was regarded as a holy scripture. The Roman historian Tertullian, for example, stated that the words of Enoch were "spoken in the same scripture of the Lord, and every scripture suitable for edification is divinely inspired."
Before he walked with God, Enoch revealed his visions of a great change in Earth's future, which the angels had shown him at his request. During the cataclysmic change that he describes as occurring in "those days" when the earth shifts on its axis, Enoch states: "The rain shall be restrained, and heaven shall stand still . . . the fruits of the Earth shall be late, and not flourish in their season; and in their season the fruits of the trees shall be withholden. The moon shall change its laws, and not be seen at its proper period.
Using the astronomic tables in the Book of Enoch, historians have determined that his prophecies extend from about 5,000 years ago to the present and then continue about a thousand years beyond the 20th century. There is an obvious consistency between Enoch's description of a changing world and the Hopi recital of changes at the end of the fourth world.
Alice C. Linsley takes note of some crucial clues in the Bible. White racism is actually contradicted by the evidence.The Bible has been used to support [white] racism throughout history. One such text is the "curse of Ham" in Genesis, a gloss that comes from the rabbis. This gloss is not consistent with the older tradition, as is evident in analysis of the kinship pattern of Abraham's Horite people. For example, the men listed in Genesis 4 and 5 are rulers whose lines intermarried exclusively. The same is true for the lines of Ham and Shem, Noah's sons. This means that Abraham was a descendant of both Ham and Shem.Thanks to Alice C. Linsley (I tried to email you)
אברהם Abraham means "burnt father" and refers to his skin color. In Arabic (a language older than Hebrew) ham means burnt. The Nilotic peoples were referred to as burnt. Abraham was a descendant of these ancestors, who the Bible designates as Kushites. Their skin color ranged from that of the black Nubians to the reddish brown Egyptians. Kush is first mentioned in the Bible as the father of Nimrod and Ramah. Kush and his sons were great rulers who controlled the waterways in their territories. The rivers were used to transport cargo and supplied the necessary water for mining industries. Kush was famous for gold, a fact to which Genesis alludes when speaking of the river Pishon that flowed through the land of Ha'vilah, where there is gold (Gen. 2:11). Another African river is the Gihon which wound through the land of Kush (Gen. 2:13). See Alice C. Linsley Kushite gold
אדמני King David, one of Abraham's most famous descendants, was said to be of a burnt skin color. [admoniy.] In I Samuel, David is described as ruddy, which means that he had a reddish skin tone like that of Egyptians who work in the sun (I Sam. 16:12; 17:42). The Hebrew word for ruddy is adom. It is equivalent to the Hamitic/Hausa odum, meaning red-brown. is related to the word adam because God formed the man from the red clay which swept down into the Nile from the Ethiopian highlands. The story of the creation of the first man comes from the Nile and probably dates to the time of the Kushite rulers. It also indicates that Abraham and his people were probably red-brown.
Race and the Bible :: Open Anthropology Cooperative
Repeatedly we see verification of this simple fact. Malcolm X used to say all the white biblical scholars will say that Jesus was black, but to state it loudly was politically incorrect, through the centuries. The fact that won't go away is this, all the oldest pictures and statues of Jesus depict Him as Black with Nappy hair, yet the world was presented with a white Jesus from the Roman Empire. See Link.
See B'Nai Zaqen
Out of Africa
Out of Egypt have I called my son, the prophet declared. Traditional interpretation was clear that the "son" spoken of was Israel itself, but early Christians, once the facts of Christ's childhood were known, declared that the years spent by the boy Jesus in Egypt were yet another proof of his messiah-ship, the resonance of his own life with the prophecies of Hebrew Scriptures hundreds of years previous.The Gospel records the Slaughter of Innocents. The Magi trustingly revealed their quest for the Holy Child to King Herod, and requested his assistance. He dissimulated, pretending to share their affection, but in his heart, envy raged, and murder. All he knew was what the rabbis taught, that the Christ Child should be born in the Bethlehem (Ephrata) environs.
According to the account, "Behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, 'Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.' When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt." (ALSO Hero with a thousand faces)
A far completer account has been preserved in the Coptic tradition.
here is an informative Wikipedia article on the outcast Yibir (Hebrew) tribe of Somalia.
Alexandria, at the mouth of the Nile, was the first center of Christian missionary success, but this achievement grew out of the earlier concentration of Jewish settlement and intellectual ferment there. The city was built directly opposite the island of Pharos, 12 miles west of the Canopic branch of the Nile. It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, and its ground plan had been traced by Alexander himself. After Alexander died at such a young age, the work continued under the Ptolemies. Before long, the population and wealth of Alexandria were enormous. Its importance as one of the chief corn-ports of Rome secured for it the general favor of the first Caesars.
According to Josephus, Alexander himself assigned to the Jews a place in his new city. By the time of Philo, the number of Alexandrine Jews was pushing one million (1,000,000). Philo adds that two of the five districts of Alexandria were called "Jewish districts" and that many Jews lived scattered in the remaining three.
Philo says, "For a long period, Alexandria was the greatest of known cities."
After Rome became the chief city in the world, Alexandria ranked second only to Rome in wealth and importance, and second only to Athens in literature and science. Its collection of books grew to be the greatest library of ancient times, and contained at one time 700,000 scrolls or volumes. Here was made the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, begun about 285 BC.
Thus, when the early missionaries of the church went forth to spread the gospel, it was no wonder that the focus of Saint Mark was immediately Alexandria, that prime city of the Jewish diaspora, a "New York City" with respect to its very high concentration of Jews. Here Saint Mark "preached the gospel in Egypt, and founded the first church in Alexandria."
The theological battle lines are drawn
But almost from the beginning, there was trouble. Independence and individualism were branded as heretical and rebellious. Conformity was demanded at the cost of honesty and conscience. The big issue was Christology. Was Jesus merely messianic and Judaic, or was he God himself. Pagan gods like Osiris had been sacrificed, dying gods associated with the ancient resurrection cults of fertility and sacrifice. Was Jesus merely the promulgator or Prophet of a divinely inspired ethical system, or was he the Saviour of mankind?Douglas Morgan and Christianity's rejection of its positive Jewish rootsCharges and counter charges flew as the factions battled it out. Jesus himself had emphasized his words, his teachings, the Judaic core of who he was. Not one jot or tittle of the Law would pass, he declared, till all be fulfilled. He did not come to deatroy the law or the prophets, he declared. Salvation is of the Jews, he declared. But as the new church drifted into the Roman world, the Judaizers were branded as legalists, though their leader, we are told, was none other than James the brother of the Lord.
The other main faction seemed concentrated among the Hellenizers principally, what Saint Luke called the "Grecians." Turning Jesus into the Saviour of the world, this faction downplayed the ethical teachings of Jesus, and the Jewish "straight and narrow" road. Instead, Jesus Christ was the true sacrifice of which pagan ante-types had been merely a shadow. Christ was the true Osiris, the true Orpheus, or Dionysus Zagreus, and salvation consisted in the cleansing effected by the expiatory sacrament offered by faith in the blood of Jesus.
To those who rejected what appeared as pagan syncretizing of the god-makers, the evolving theology smacked of heresy, gnosticism, and turning a simple but lofty Hebraic ethics into a mystical cult after the manner of the heathen atonement religions.
Yet it was the god-makers and hellenizers who won out. Christianity was made a religion, not a way of life. It was ripped from its Hebraic and Semitic heritage, and the kith and kin of our Lord were treated as enemies. Anti-Semitism grew, the words of Jesus conveniently ignored: what ye do it to the least of these my brethren, ye do unto me.
Saint Augustine, himself an African of Numidia, is surely more accurately the founder of Protestant theology than any of the reformers, or than Jesus himself.
Douglas Morgan is a modern student of the Bible who decries how Chritian theologizers have distorted biblical simplicity beyond its honest Hebraic roots. It was saints like Augustine who treated "erotic-sexual love [as] different in kind, weaker, sin-inclined" compared to agape or philia love. Morgan is critical of "The puritanical and ascetic traditions in Christianity." He contrasts the more wholesome attitudes of the Judaic heritage with what the major theologizers of Christianity taught (Saint Paul; Saint Augustine, etc) "human flesh as such is weak and likely to lead us toward sin; this life on earth is to be endured; sexual behavior is a distasteful reproductive duty rather than a human pleasure; all or nearly all fleshly temptations are to be repressed for the sake of the greater glory of the spirit. Joy of any earthly kind, especially bodily joy in sexual love, is always suspicious and usually condemned as pernicious."Morgan writes:
"Comparing [Christian] puritanism with the Hebraic acceptance of sexuality, we have a most interesting example of how the force of love is set to the service of religion. The prophets, from Moses to Hosea, although sternly forbidding sexual immorality -- adultery, sodomy, incest -- do not ever directly or indirectly condemn sexual activity itself as immoral. On the contrary, they themselves are lusty men. They love life and they love love-making. They feel the force of desire keenly, and treat it naturally as healthy human evidence of the Lord's love. So powerful is sexual love in human experience that they use it as a basis for teaching the intimate morality of our duty to JHVH. Human sexual love, in its moral manifestations, is welcomed and approved and extended in the direction of God himself."Emmie Shrader Adams, one of the white heroes serving America's Civil Rights revolution, commented on something Emanuel Swedenborg had written. She says that Swedenborg, the Swedish scholar genius turned mystic, had regularly gone into comas, during which he visited the world of spirits, or the after-death world. On his return to the terrestrial world, he wrote of his spiritual education in many volumes. Swedenborg marvels at the high number of black folk populating the highest heavens, and is told by his angelic guide that African Negro culture is imbued with an openness to the direct absorption of spiritual truths.
Emmie Shrader Adams remarks that Swedenborg's assertion struck her as a variation of the ancient Greek report that, of all people, the blacks -- "Ethiopians" (or burnt faces) -- were the most beloved by the gods and had been the first to be taught the proper rites of divine worship. [p293. Deep in Our Hearts]. The Illiad says that Zeus regularly left the abode of the gods to sojourn with the "blameless Ethiopians."
Likewise, the goddess Iris went to the land of Africa to participate in sacrificial rites to the immortal gods. In the Odyssey the sea god Poseidon is likewise said to have "lingered delighted" at one of the feasts of the Ethiopians. In Byzantine times, Stephanus Placidus declared that the Ethiopians were "loved by the gods because of their justice, and adds: "Jupiter frequently leaves heaven and feasts with them [the Ethiopians] because of their justice and the equity of their customs. For the Ethiopians are said to be the justest of men and for that reason the gods love their abode frequently to visit them."
As Emmie Shrader Adams relates, Swedenborg held the belief that the "African race" was "in greater enlightenment than others on this earth, since they are such that they think more interiorly, and so receive truths and acknowledge them" (A Treatise concerning the Last Judgment, n. 118 see). Swedenborg had further declared that there existed a hidden African Church, whose members apprehended unmediated truth. These ideas provided intellectual fuel for the abolitionist cause and compelled several Swedenborgians to travel to Africa.
B'nai Zaqen - Eyes Opening to the true Israelites
Making heroes : a cry for justice NOW
Edward Blyden: we all need each other
Gospel ~ America's love affair with God
a white man paranoia ~ black superiority
a brave woman of africa ~ ayaan hirsi ali
Africa unite - coming redemption of mankind
The American Moses ~ Martin Luther King
Are ye not as the sons of Kush, saith God?
End of Days ~ words of native prophecy
Upholding the Bible's
time-honored morality
Jesus and the feminine mission of Healing
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The contribution of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The remark of Jesus that salvation is of the Jews has somehow rubbed Christians the wrong way. By the time such saints as John Chyrostom and Jerome began to have an impact, an anti-Semitic flavor tainted much of their thought. How sad, in fact, how ruinous to later Christianity. Jesus had said Clean the inside. But the theologizers had turned the Church into more or less of a club, and all that mattered was what people thought of you, what is your image to other Christians. People worried about cleaning the outside, the outer appearance, and forgot about the inside, that God sees, and rewards.
The worldwide influence of America's Dr. King as theologian has been more suggestive than direct. Considering how far, in so many ways, that European Christendom has, through its historical development, strayed from its aboriginal Judaic roots, the nudge provided by Martin Luther King, Jr is a profound and refreshing one indeed. Dr. King, theologically, seems to be pointing the Church away from the convoluted morass to which it has come as a Gentile institution, and back to the biblical simplicity of a more Judaic early church. In his deeply personalist ethical mysticism, King is closer to the Apostolic Fathers than either Protestant or Catholic permutations have been.
Shining Hope for Kenya's Hurting Women
Their joy is their strength
Kennedy and Jessica
Shining Hope for Cummunities