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Did Kumalo still believe in God? Or had his faith in God been destroyed? Had the oppressiveness of apartheid caused him to throw out, not merely his respect for the European, but the religion first brought by the European as well?
Kumalo looked at him at [his questioner] under the light of the lamp. "I believe," he said. "But I have learned that it is a secret. Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. There is my wife, and you my friend, and these people who welcomed me, and the child so eager to be with us here in Ndotsheni -- so in my suffering I can believe. "I have never thought that a Christian would be free of suffering, umfundisi. For our Lord suffered. And I come to believe that he suffered, not to save us from suffering, but to teach us how to bear sufferiing. For he knew that there is no life without suffering." Kumalo looked at his friend with joy. "You are a preacher," he said. His friend held out his rough calloused hands. "Do I look like a preacher?" he asked. Kumalo laughed. "I look at your heart, not your hands," he said. |
Mandela: moral authority even in captivity
Beyers Naudé : swimming against the current
The African Triumph - ancient spiritual values
Cheikh Anta Diop - African roots of civilization
Ayaan Hirsi Ali :: speaking truth to power
Invictus :: The day Mandela saved Africa
Calvary is a telescope through which we took into the long vista
of eternity, and see the love of God breaking forth into time.
[Martin Luther King, Jr]
Giving the World an example of racial improvement, reconciliation
For five hundred years European males have been showing off with the accomplishments of science, intellect, exploration, colonization, and the doctrines of minds such as the immortal Darwin. They have subjugated large parts of the globe. But alas, everywhere they have gone, white man has in effect claimed the non-white females as his sexual property. Women of the darker races became the sexual slaves of the white conquerors, the colonizers.
More. Science told white man he had every right to do this. After all, whites were gente de razon while non-whites were "savages" and inferior species. Darwin predicted inferior races would become extinct. But who really suffered most from the white males' dalliances, his abuse of the darker women? Was it not white women themselves? White women were really the chief slave of the Master's harem.
True, darker males have also borne the brunt of white man's oppression. In America, a black man might be murdered, or lynched, castrated, or crucified, for being close to a white woman. But the other way round was okay. White men felt like they almost OWNED any non-white woman. History says, it was just part of the colonial experience, reflecting Euro-centric predominance. Negro Holocaust Isn't part of our healing to permit social contact, now, between white women and black men? |
Only Love Can Heal Our Tragic Past
Giving the World an example of racial improvement, reconciliation
Working Together Did It
International Solicarity ~ It was everybody working together, round the world, that made it possible. International cooperation, both governments and peoples made possible the liberation of South Africa with little violence, and thereby facilitated the beginnings of national reconciliation.Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) was established to promote racial reconciliation, transitional justice and democratic nation-building in Africa by means of research, analysis and selective intervention.Truth and Reconciliation Commission
The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was set up by the Government of National Unity to help deal with what happened under apartheid. The conflict during this period resulted in violence and human rights abuses from all sides. No section of society escaped these abuses.Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation is a multi-disciplinary institute involved in policy formation, community interventions, service delivery, education and training, as well as providing consultancy services. The primary goal of the CSVR is to use its expertise in building reconciliation, democracy and a human rights culture and in preventing violence in South African and in other countries in Africa.Is healing attainable? Is closure possible?
From Open Democracy - Can society's need for healing override the search for justice? The apartheid system that murdered Gillian Slovo's mother faced its crimes not in a courtroom, but in a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) hearing. In making her experience part of South Africa's search for the truth of its past, she explains how the country's innovative TRC helped reconcile it to its devastating wounds.Charlize Thereon rebukes marital rape
The West has fallen. Where is the virtue? Real men are not perverts. Real Men support and protect women and children. This is not a racial thing, but we have to ask, has the softening of the West produced men who are, in effect, emotional "rapists" -- while the humble and meek may not have the affluence, may not have the elitism, but at least they are real men. In the West, women are turning increasingly to non-white men. Like Abigail in the Bible, whose husband Nabal was a fool. Or like Vashti, whose husband was a pervert.Racial Healing (from Race Matters, USA)
RACIAL HEALING: Confronting the Fear Between Blacks and Whites - This is the Harlon Dalton piece. Black, Latino and Asian-American law professors gathered at a Wisconsin retreat center in the summer of 1989 to consider how law should address racial issues in the post-civil-rights era. Each evening they sang to one another, mostly great spirituals and rhythm-and-blues numbers. On the last night, someone suggested they do a show tune. "Who let in the geek?" the author of this book thought, joining reluctantly in the "white bread" ditty. But before long they were belting out the razzmatazz with enough gusto to delight Ethel Merman.Partners Across the Ocean - Racial Healing Partnership for Youth
Partners Across the Ocean's Current Projects on GlobalGiving - Include 1. Teacher Training (both in South Africa and the USA) 2. School Principal Development 3. Creating an original School Improvement Plan for ten high schools 4. Bringing Exchange Students to the USA . . . . (MORE)
We Must Persevere
It is inevitable that in working for Freedom some families must
take the lead and suffer. The Road to Freedom is via the CROSS.
Chief Albert Luthuli
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last save= 04/18/12